LinkExchange Member

After going to Walt Disney World in the summer of
1997, I had a lot of good ideas for an audio narration section for the tour.
In previous years, if there was any narration at all, I did it. But this
year, I wanted to do it a little more professional. So, I asked my uncle
(his e-mail is '') if he would narrate for me. He said he
would, so I got together with him one Saturday and we recorded it all at
his house. Then I also added music and sound effects
to the final soundtrack. Below is the original copy of the script that was
used for the tour recording:

Official Original Script:
The audience is led down deep into the pre-show area where they are confronted
by a dungeon-like atmosphere. They take their seats as a cold wind blows in their faces. Just
then, they hear the Ghost Host speaking:
"Welcome, foolish mortals, to this ghostly gallery, more commonly refered to as
England's Brimshire Castle dungeon. I am your host ... your ghost host! Kindly take
your seats and hold on to one another, please ... there's no turning back now!"
"Our tour begins here in this ghostly dungeon. Brimshire Castle is famous for its
rats, mice, insects, and ... ghosts. Many, many years ago, Lord Brimshire hired a certain
Daniel Longworth to construct a castle of epic proportions for him and his small family.
Daniel accepted, and work began in September of 1497. But, no sooner had the castle
been constructed, than Lord Brimshire grew frightfully ill and had to stay in bed. One
night, he asked that his only son, Hubert, come to his bedside and tell him what he wanted
to become of his estate after he had passed on. But, after Hubert had remained at his
dying father's bedside for not more than 10 minutes, a scream was heard from his room.
Lord Brimshire's wife and two daughters rushed inside, finding nothing in the room alive.
Hubert and Lord Brimshire had simply disappeared! The only clue that was found was a
note. It was in Hubert's handwriting."
Narration switches over to Huhert Brimshire:
"Dear Family. As you know, I have often been doing studies of the supernatural.
As these studies and researching have made me very wealthy, I believe that I owe them a
lot. Therefore, I, Lord Patrick Brimshire, in the presence of my only son, Hubert William
Brimshire, solemnly vow to make this land an eternal resting place for the paranormal
most in need ofa home. I also swear that it shall be kept this way by me, if not in life,
then in the afterlife. And God help anyone who dares to disturb that."
Narration switches back to Ghost Host:
"Unfortunately for the family of Lord Brimshire, they did not heed his warning.
Two nights after his burial, a bolt of lightening crashed down from the sky causing the
entire top section of the castle to burn, because it was made of wood. The only stone part
that survived was this dungeon. Lord Brimshire's body was buried in the cemetery behind
you outside, and people forgot about the Brimshires."
"On this very date in 1597, a young boy was playing in an old forest when he came
upon a headstone that had Lord Brimshire's name on it. As he began to touch it, it began to shake, and the ground beneath him gave way, and he was never to be heard from
again. The same thing mysteriously happened in 1697, 1797, and 1897. Now, 500 years
after the incident, YOU are about to embark on an expedition to see if anything really will
happen (evil chuckle = 'he he he')."
"At the sound of the scream, you may exit the theater to your left and board your
Doombuggies: vehicles designed to transport you into the realm ofthe supernatural. Oh
yes, and heed this warning: we spirits are frightfully sensitive to bright lights, so no flash
pictures, please. Ok, here it comes."
A terrifying scream is heard and then the audience's lights come on as they exit
into their Doombuggies. Once inside their Doombuggy, the audience hears:
"Welcome to the Brimshire Family Graveyard. This
Doombuggy will take you into the realm ofthe supernatural. We shall soon see ifyou all
are really as brave as you say you are! And beware! The ghost of Lord Brimshire will
probably enjoy you poking about in his ghostly retreat as much as he liked the others
who suffered a hideous fate on this very night! Too bad. Well, just be careful and
remember the story!"
All of a sudden, a voice comes on the loud speaker. It is Doctor William Hendrickson:
"Ladies and gentleman, welcome! I am sorry that I had to keep you waiting in this
creepy environment, but I had to find my communication system. Now that I've found it,
I can easily talk to you. I am Doctor William Hendrickson, of Hendrickson Paranormal
Research Facility or H.P.R.F. I am going to be accompanying you on this scientific tour
through the alleged Brimshire Ghostly Retreat. Legend has it that, after Lord Brimshire
did in his family, he invited all his ghostly friends to come to his property for eternal rest.
Legend also has it, that he gets rid ofany mortals who cross into this secret realm. But
you don't believe in ghosts, now do you?"
"My assistant Max Pory will be guiding your tram, while I will be driving my own
through the woods. I will meet you later on. Ok, I believe that's everything. Max, are
you ready?"
The Doombuggy guide replies 'Yes'
"Good, then we'll get started."
The tractor starts up and the tour begins. The Doombuggies go down onto a path
where all of a sudden the tractor headlights go off. But, other headlights from another
tractor are seen, so the tractor driver goes down the path and heads straight for the other
tractor. Just then, Doctor Hendrickson's voice is heard again over the loudspeakers:
"I can see you! You guys turn off your engine."
The tractor operator turns off his engine.
"Ok, now I'm going to ... oh my gosh! What's that?!?! Oh no! It , it can't be!
But, they're not real! No, no please. No, I have to go to ... no, no no!!!!!!"
A crackling is heard and the headlights in front of the audience go off and the
tractor explodes and flips over on it's side. Then, the Ghost Host voice is heard once
"(evil laugh = Ha ha ha ha!) See, I told you all! Unfortunately for you, the other
spirits are beginning to materialize. They're assembling for a swinging wake, and they'll
be expecting me. So, since I must depart, you can have a frightfully good time all alone!"
Another evil laugh and the Doombuggies lurch forward. As they go past the
remains of the tractor, Doctor Hendrickson is nowhere to be found.
Finally, the audience arrives safely at an old graveyard. The Ghost Host's voice is
"Ah, there you are, and just in time! There's a little matter I forgot to mention.
Beware of hitchhiking ghosts! They have selected you to fill their quota, and they will
haunt you until you return, and a ghost will follow
you home!"
Guests depart from their Doombuggies.